
Seisoenale verdenking / Seasonal Suspicion

Seisoenale verdenking

Hy weet dit is herfs
want die ginkgo biloba
sidder geel—soos verdriet;

en hy weet dit is herfs
want die esdoornboom
skud bloed van haar hande af.

Dit is herfs, en hy weet dit,
want sy binnegoed is bruinblare
en hy staar voëlverskrik na sy verlede.

Dit is herfs. Ongetwyfeld is dit herfs.
Want alles sterf tog so verskriklik mooi
nes die noodlotige son in brons en in rooi.

Seasonal Suspicion

He knows it is fall
for the ginko biloba
trembles yellow—like grief;

and he knows it is fall
for the maple shakes blood
from her limbs.

It is fall, and he knows it,
for his insides are brown leafs
and he stares like a scarecrow at his past.

It is fall. Undeniably fall.
Because everything dies so awfully beautiful
like the fated sun in scarlet and in bronze.

... Sanko Lewis
Creative Commons Licence

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