
'Nothing besides remain'

here I sit on a sticky carpet

black with blood

spilled from my heart

after you slit your wrists


it was my lungs that drowned

in the brine that poured

from my besotted eyes

when you walked into the sea


my tongue that gagged and choked

my heart that raced, then stopped

when you kicked the chair

and swung the rope


when you inhaled the fumes

and shut your eyes

against existence

it was my reality that broke


when—in infidelity—you fellated

the barrel and let it shoot

its load into your mouth,

it was my sanity that exploded


Beloved, I’m sure your venture led to peace,

for here—now that you are gone—

none remains, but the decay

of this colossal Wreck

... Sanko Lewis
Creative Commons Licence

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